Here at Belmore Dental Implant Clinic we offer patients smile makeovers that include treatments such as Dental Implants, Porcelain Crowns & Veneers, Same Day CEREC restorations & Teeth Whitening. You may have heard of some of these before and we would be happy to explain how they work in detail at your next appointment. To book please call our reception team on 02866 329222 or email [email protected] .
Here are five things we would like you to know about smile makeovers:
1.Improving your smile
Dentists use the term ‘smile design’ to describe the process of creating the smile that you dream of. This is because there are various elements that come into play with an enhanced smile, it’s not just all about looks. It’s a very clever process that takes into consideration the aesthetics and symmetry of the whole face in order to provide balance and harmony as a whole. Not only that, there are also factors like function that have to come into play; what’s the point of beautiful looking teeth that cant chew or bite properly?
2.Techniques used
Smile design can incorporate a number of techniques in order to achieve your goal. This can include short-term orthodontics to move the teeth into the desired position in a relatively quick period of time. There are many different brands available for this such as Six Month Smile, many of which are so discreet they are almost invisible. These systems can also be used with other methods of smile enhancement to provide a straighter basis to work from. For example, veneers or composites can then be used to make the final perfections to a smile. Veneers are very thin layers of porcelain that fit over the front of the tooth, a bit like a false fingernail. Composite is a dental material that can be used to build up teeth in a similar way. Both treatments can be used where gaps need to be closed or if a tooth has been broken. We also use Philips Zoom tooth whitening in conjunction with most treatments because it gives that extra enhanced and healthy looking edge to any smile.
3. It’s not just teeth
Some people worry that much gum shows when they smile but many are unaware that this can be resolved. Gum contouring, or reshaping, is a relatively simple procedure that can be done by our team memebers Dr Sinead McEnhill & Dr Joe McEnhill and involves using a scalpel or a laser to remove excess gum and expose more of your teeth underneath. This may sound scary and a little daunting but in fact in is done using anaesthetic so you will not feel a thing and it is very quick, especially if a laser is used.
4.The whole face
Sometimes a new smile can highlight other areas of the face that could use a little extra help. It may be the case that, now the discoloured or wonky teeth that previously caught your eye have been given a new lease of life, you’re noticing other things instead. For example, lines around the mouth may become more obvious now your eye isn’t drawn to your teeth. These can be rectified too, using wrinkle-smoothing treatment or fillers to help given a more youthful appearance to match your dazzling new smile.

5.Confidence boost
Being able to smile genuinely without feeling conscious can do wonders for your self-esteem. This will impact on all areas of your life, from having more confidence at work to being able to relax more in social settings and enjoy yourself.
At Belmore Dental Implant Clinic we have helped many patients with smile makeovers, click here to see some of our case studies and testimonials.
Our team members Dr Sinead McEnhill, Dr Joe McEnhill & Dr Annamaree Welsh have trained and qualified to deliver smile makeover treatments to a high standard at Belmore Dental Implant Clinic.
If you have any questions about having a smile makeover, be sure to book an appointment with us today to discuss your options and payment plans. Drop into the practice at Belmore Dental Implant Clinic, 16 Belmore Street, Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh BT74 6AA or call us on 02866 329222.